By Gordon A. Thompson
Thompson Books & Publishing
It's Not What You Know
The Battle to Control How You Feel About History
American History / Education

"Who controls the past, controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
-George Orwell, from his novel 1984.

“The struggle to control what constitutes our national history has evolved into a political battle for the future of America.”
- Gordon A. Thompson

Traditional Southerners have been acutely aware of this battle longer than most. They have seen their unique history and culture viciously attacked and slandered. The rest of America is just now beginning to feel the same cultural assaults.

Gordon A. Thompson spent thirteen years teaching Georgia and U.S. history. He was puzzled by the declining quality of history texts and dismayed at the rise of historical revisionism. In response, he researched history textbooks from the last 100 years. He tracked a timeline of key events in the ongoing war to control how history is presented.

The author details how popular revisionists including James Loewen and Howard Zinn managed to influence state and national history texts with near total success. He reveals the deplorable effects of revisionism in the classroom and offers suggestions to counter it.

It’s Not What You Know is a telling critique of what revisionism means for traditional history. Every parent of school-age children should read it before they send their children to history class.

ISBN 0-9740154-3-1       

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